Tonight I did a Mommy-Loves time with Loves. We went and got a bite to eat and went swimming. She eats it up, I eat it up. It is so wonderful to have one-on-one time to chat and laugh and play and just sit and hold hands. My husband and I each take turns do this with our two oldest. When Burger is a bit older we'll go with him too. We do it when we feel it's needed and we take turns-- I just did it with Loves so Tiger will be next, and I'll probably go with her next week so it's soon after Loves. It is usually not elaborate, Loves had a free meal from school for her grades so we went out to eat, but mostly it's things like going to the library and reading together, getting a treat at the gas station, playing on the quarter machine rides at the mall, going to a bookstore and reading, things like that. Whatever we do, whenever it is, it is so nice, so needed.

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